Business Services

We want to see your business grow. Our NCWorks team can help you find, develop, and retain talented employees, from entry-level to experienced positions. Whether your business is new or well-established, large or small, we offer workforce solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs at little or no cost to your business. In addition to NCWorks services, we can also connect you to other entrepreneurship and economic development resources to help grow your business.

- Job postings and applicant tracking on
- Individualized screening by career professionals
- Validated skill assessments, including the nationally-recognized ACT Career Readiness Certificate
- Job profiling
- Coordination of job fairs
- Interview, meeting, and training space
- Labor market information, including local wage data
- Job accommodations to assist workers with disabilities including workplace modifications, assistive technology, and job coaches

- On-the-job training resources to train qualifying employees using company instructors
- Customized training for your growing business
- Apprenticeships that combine on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction
- Courses to upgrade employees’ job-related skills or provide a recognized industry or national credential (licensure, certification, renewal, registry listing)

- Working collaboratively with regional education and workforce partners to develop NCWorks Certified CareerPathways to prepare students for a career in your industry sector
- Connecting with youth and adults through internships, pre-apprenticeships, co-ops, job shadowing, mentoring, and facility tours
- Utilizing local funding opportunities to provide paid work experience to eligible candidates
- Educating local teachers and career coaches on your industry’s workforce opportunities and needs

- Developing outplacement transition plans for companies
- Analyzing regional career opportunities
- Providing specialized assistance to employees, such as resume development, interview preparation, computer access, financial planning workshops, skill assessments, and connection to training opportunities
- Designing comprehensive re-employment services for workers negatively impacted by foreign trade
Contact the ECWDB or the NCWorks Career Center in your county today to learn more about how we can help your business.
EMSI Economic Overview 2023
This EMSI economic overview covers all 9 counties located in the ECWDB region. The 9 counties include:
- Carteret County
- Craven County
- Duplin County
- Lenoir County
- Greene County
- Jones County
- Onslow County
- Pamlico County
- Wayne County
This document covers labor force breakdowns, population trends, job trends, unemployment rate trends, and much more. Click on the image below to access this document.

For more information and statistics on the workforce of North Carolina, visit our Workforce Statistics page.