On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job training (OJT) provides the ideal opportunity to fill an employer’s hiring need and provide a skilled worker with a job. Employers are reimbursed for up to 50 percent of the wages for the OJT training to compensate for training costs. This allows employers to help their business save money while turning skilled workers into valuable productive employees.

  • Employers are reimbursed for the employee's wages for a pre-determined time period to offset the cost of training.
  • Employers can design the training plan specific to their needs and requirements.
  • Employers retain the ability to make the final selection in the hiring process.
  • Skills gap analysis allows the employer to identify the specific training required based on real data.

  • Employees learn directly from experienced employees how to preform the job specific to the employer's requirements. 
  • Employees earn while they learn, allowing them to continue to meet their financial obligations.
  • Employees are provided with monthly feedback on performance.
  • Employees can expect to continue with the full-time position after the training period and, in some cases, may receive an increase in salary. 

  • Contact your local NCWorks Career Center or one of the ECWDB Business Services Representatives, Erik Heck (heck@ecwdb.org) or Phillip Prescott (prescott@ecwdb.org). You can also contact the ECWDB office at 252-636-6901.
  • A standardized pre-award analysis will be completed.
  • Once the pre-award analysis is completed, we will identify and screen candidates for your open jobs based on your selection criteria.