On Friday, March 31st, Onslow NCWorks was conducting outreach and volunteering during Onslow County Community Outreach’s soup kitchen hours. An NCWorks employee walked outside and came across Thomas G., a homeless outreach specialist with Veterans Services of the Carolinas. Thomas asked if NCWorks could help move an elderly disabled veteran from New River Apartments into a new apartment in Phoenix Apartments, as this veteran had to be out of New River Apartments by close of business on March 31st. New River Apartments was previously the low income housing in Jacksonville and has been entirely condemned and was scheduled for renovation and repair, so needless to say but this veterans living conditions were subpar and unhealthy.
The NCWorks employee informed the LVER and office manager and assembled a small crew to help move this veteran. As this situation had a short fuse, they posted on the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 15-4 Treasure Coast Chapters Band page, asking if anyone was free and if they could assist, and quickly gathered a team of people.
Upon their arrival the veteran’s personal effects were all packed up, and they gathered the remainder of the salvageable items from his apartment, loaded them into two trucks, one trailer and a Jeep Grand Cherokee and moved all of his belongings in one trip. At his new residence they unloaded his belongings, set up his new apartment to best accommodate him, continued to assist with his unpacking, and left him set up for success in his new home.
This annual report captures the dedication, commitment, and hard work of our staff, NCWorks partners, and service providers, who enabled us to deliver quality services to businesses and individuals in need over the past year.
WIOA requires each WDB to develop and submit, in partnership with the local chief elected official, a comprehensive four-year plan. This plan is made available for public comment for the 30-day period beginning April 9, 2024 through May 9, 2024.
Timothy Baker, Onslow County NCWorks Hybrid Veterans’ Career Employment Services Consultant II, helped a veteran receive a free car!